River Harmony Dental is proud to work closely with a qualified and experienced orthodontist, who can provide orthodontic services (like Invisalign® or Braces) to meet all your orthodontic needs. River Harmony Dental will always assess the orthodontics of our patients, discuss all treatment options, and offer recommendations. We will then refer patients to our nearby qualified orthodontist if required, where patients can receive the treatment they need.
Your Cochrane Choice for all your Orthodontic Assessment Needs!
What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a particular branch of dentistry that deals specifically with the diagnosis, prevention, and the correction of malposition teeth and jaws. Essentially, orthodontics deals with any abnormalities of the teeth and jaw. River Harmony is pleased to offer many orthodontic assessments, as well as treatment options like Retainers, Space Maintainers, and Bruxism Grinding Appliances.

Examples of Orthodontic Treatment

- Braces
- Invisalign Aligners
- Removable appliances like Night Guards or Sports Guards
- Retainers
- Space Maintainers
- Bruxism Appliances
- Sleep Apnea Appliances